personal projects

In addition to the projects I completed at Dataquest, I dedicated myself to my own personal projects, which hold a very special value for me.

These were self-taught learning projects, making the most of everything acquired at Dataquest and independently exploring various fields. With no guide towards a desired final outcome, these projects immersed me in researching and understanding a wide range of new concepts fundamental to achieving success.

From web to csv:

This project marked my significant first step into the world of data, a solitary experience that I immensely enjoyed and learned a lot from.

The aim was to create a quality, proprietary data source.

This initial phase is known as the ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Loading) phase, an essential step for any data analyst.

Throughout the process, I gained a deep understanding of the work and the importance of having quality and accessible data to address future inquiries. In this case, within the context of electronic instruments.

Once I had the data stored in a CSV file, the subsequent project became, in my view, the natural progression:

  • Transitioning from a CSV document to a structured database
  • Establish communication with postgreSQL through jupyter notebooks.

Understanding the sequential processes required for importing data into a database was essential. This understanding was pivotal as data isn’t always available in CSV format, necessitating a grasp of the steps involved in database importing.

From csv to PostgreSQL:

This project arose from a question:

Would it be possible to query a database from Jupyter using Python?

Knowing that it’s possible to access the computer’s terminal from Jupyter cells piqued my interest in exploring interactions with databases through this avenue.

The challenge was real: configuring and verifying the necessary services, organizing the database structure, and ensuring proper data importation from the CSV. Though laborious, this process proved immensely interesting and opened up a new world of exploration.

Another laborious yet fascinating process that unveiled how important is to explore.